About Special Interest Group Session

The global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare market size is expected to grow from USD 4.9 billion in 2020 and reach USD 45.2 billion by 2026; it is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 44.9% during the forecast period. The machine learning technology is expected to hold the major share of the AI in healthcare market in 2021. Find out more on Practical AI and opportunities for Academia in Pakistan with Dr. Shahzad Cheema. This will help you kickstart your career in the healthcare Industry using AI.


  • Opening Remarks – Dr. Arshad Ali - 10 Min
  • Practical AI and opportunities for Academia in Pakistan – Dr. Shahzad Cheema – 25 Min.
  • General Discussion – 25 Min


Dr. Shahzad Cheema

Ex Lead Data Scientist and Academic Ambassador at IBM Watson Germany
Cofounder of Data Science Initiative – Pakistan

Dr. Shahzad Cheema has over 18 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence across Academia, Research, and Industry. Most recently, he had been working at IBM Germany as a Lead Data Scientist for Industrial Applications of AI. He holds PhD degree in Large Scale Machine Learning and master’s degrees in Robotics, Computer Science, and Mathematics. He is also the Lead cofounder of Data Science Initiative Pakistan which aim at promoting practical data science in the country. Some of his recent projects are Self-learning Autonomous Driving with Reinforcement Learning, Self-learning smart homes, Industrial automation with AI, Edge-oriented security and monitoring, and Optimization of one of the world’s largest logistics network.

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